

Masae Kumano, CEO/ Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist
Tokyo International Management Administrative Procedures Legal Specialists Corporation

Born in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Graduated from Shonan Senior High School.
Graduated from Waseda University, School of law. Bachelor of Law.
Graduated from Chuo Law School. Juris Doctor degree.

After working in the legal department of an IT vendor and a major Electronic Commerce (EC) website company, I became an Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist (Reg. No.:109081036, belonging to Gyoseishoshi Lawyers of Tokyo).

CEO of Independent Film Inc., part-time lecturer at Hannan University Faculty of Economics.

Engaged in the planning and production of movies as a company representative, writes reviews, and interviews film directors, entrepreneurs, managers of foreign-owned enterprises, contributes many articles as a writer. (Kodansha「GENDAI BUSINESS」, Toyo Keizai Inc. 「TOYO KEIZAI ONLINE」, The Asahi Shimbun Company 「telling,」,「TSUKI NO JIDAI」, Fusosha「SPA!」,「bizSPA!」,「Joshi SPA!」, 「Business insider Japan」, 「DANRO」, Magazine「PRESIDENT」etc).